What am I signing up for?
By signing the petition for Aurora Rise’s Victim Services License Plate, you are committing to purchase a Group Special License Plate, with the proceeds benefiting the Crime Victim Compensation Fund in the State of Colorado.
How many signatures are you collecting?
We need at LEAST 3,000 signatures from Colorado residents for the state to process our Group Special License Plate application.
What vehicles can I get a Victim Services license plate for?
Here are the vehicles that are listed on the state’s Group Special License Plate webpage. We anticipate the same vehicles being eligible for our license plate, but this list is not confirmed yet.
- Passenger cars
- Trucks that do not exceed 16,000 pounds empty weight
- Noncommercial (not available for any vehicle registered Tax Class A- International Registration Plan- IRP) vehicles that do not exceed 16,000 pounds empty weight
- Recreational vehicles that do not exceed 16,000 pounds empty weight
- Motorhomes
- Motorcycles
So I don’t need to pay any money right now?
No. The license plate application needs to be approved first, and then, the legislative bill has to pass and be implemented in order for the Victim Services license plates to become effective. Then you’ll be able to get them when registering vehicles at the Colorado Motor Vehicle offices or online, once available.
Where would the extra money for the plates go to?
Our plan is for funds to go to Colorado’s Victim Compensation fund.
How much extra money will these plates cost?
Our plan is for $25 every year going to the Victim Compensation Fund. Please note, you should expect to pay normal registration taxes and fees in addition to the specialty license plate surcharge.
Would the funds from my plate go back into my community?
Honestly, we don’t know. That has not been decided and wouldn’t be decided until it reaches the state legislature. A couple of options include:
- Going to districts that don’t have enough funds to cover their expenses, which has recently been the Denver metro area and eastern mountain communities
- Equal distribution among all the districts in the state
- Some other formula/process that hasn’t been decided on
However, we DO know that it will go to help victims of crime in Colorado.
Why do you keep saying ‘plan’?
The dynamics of how payment is taken and where it is distributed is ultimately decided by state law. However, we know of three other state license plates where monies collected from a special group license plate go into specific state funds. One example is the Adopt a Shelter Pet license plate. Plus, we will be deeply involved with this process through its completion to make sure everything goes as intended.
So, the money doesn’t go to Aurora Rise or victims of the Aurora Theater Shooting?
No. But if you’d like to assist the victims, please go to www.aurorarise.org/donate.
What does the whole approval process look like?
Here’s the Cliff Notes version:
- 3,000 signatures are collected for the plate
- We turn in the petition signatures and the Group Special License Plate application to the Department of Revenue for approval
- When the Group Special license plate application is approved by the Executive Office of the Department of Revenue, the Aurora Rise is authorized to work with the State Legislature, where a bill needs to be passed for its creation
- The license plate will be available to Colorado motor vehicle owners once the legislative bill is effective and the implementation efforts are complete.
So, what is Aurora Rise?
Aurora Rise is 501c3 nonprofit that was created in the aftermath of the July 20, 2012 Century 16 Aurora theater shooting. The mission of Aurora Rise is simple. We will try to help make the days ahead of those affected by the theater shooting a little bit brighter. We will continue this effort so that no one will ever be forgotten and so that the public will never forget.
I don’t know anyone involved with the Aurora Theater Shooting – can I still get these plates?
ABSOLUTELY. There is no litmus test for these plates. You can have a personal interest in helping victims of crime or maybe you just like how they look. Just be aware of the additional costs.
What does the plate look like?

What is the meaning behind the designs?
- The 13 stars in the sky represent the 12 people killed and one unborn lost in the shooting. The position is loosely based on the night of July 20, 2012.
- The blue/dark blue ribbon is associated with crime victims.
Do the people who were at the theater and their families know about these plates?
We have reached out to all the families who lost loved ones and a number of people who were at the theater, or had a connection with the theater. The response has been overwhelmingly supportive.
What if I have more questions, or would like to contact Aurora Rise?
Please go to www.aurorarise.org/contact and fill out the form.